Monday, January 31, 2011


Realism was started in the late 1800's according to Blooms it is "Born out of the ideas of the romantic novel but infused with concrete details and accurate descriptions of society, the characters of realist fiction are drawn from the events and contexts of modern life and face everyday obstacles." (Diamond) This basically says that Realism writing is a lot like Romanticism writing except for the fact that because of the time period it was in it was MUCH more focused on precise details. The time was right around prohibition so most people in the USA were very proper and had exquisite manners. So it is only natural that their writing would be very precise and proper. "Realism is most commonly traced to the French novelist Honoré de Balzac and his series of novels and stories which, grouped together, form The Human Comedy (1840)." (Diamond) Belac would pay absolute attention to the smallest detail in his stories. Every setting, person and action are descried to the point you can imagine it in perfect detail. Though his stories would be almost unidentifiable by modern realism standards because even though he described people, places and things in amazing detail his storylines were often unbelievable and very fantastic. (Diamond) Realism was not just an American literature movement. Rather, it was a change all over the world in how authos wrote their stories. Beginning to provide more detail and do their best to make it as life like as possible. Even in China the change was felt "In China, realism accompanied modernism in literature into the 20th century."(Diamond) Realism really was something of a worldwide shift in the way people approached literature as well as their daily lives. People all over the world were becoming more modernized and more intelligent and like it always does literature evolved a long with the rest of the world and reflected the changes in it. Realism is still around today and probably will be for a while.

Diamond, Marie Josephine, ed. "realism." Encyclopedia of World Writers, 19th and 20th Centuries. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2003. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. GEWW480&SingleRecord=True (accessed February 8, 2011).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ACT writing

Writing an ACT essay is not nearly as scary as it sonds. People often feel that becase it is ACT that only someone who can write at sper smart genius level should be writing ACT essays and everyone else is going to fail. That is compeltely ntre and everyone can wirte a aACT essay it is simple! First things first is that everyone needs to take a strong stance. When the ACT prompt has a question or opinion in it yo need to take a astrong opinion don't straddle the fence or do something dmb like that bbt rather do stuff that is hard pointed. Another important thing that yo ned to do on the act is that yu should mention a counter argument you dont need to champion the counterargument but rather mention it and i you really want to you can prove how it is not as good as your opinion and you can jsut like trash theire opinnion and stuff. Lasly you shloud probably proofread it although grammar doesnt play a huge roll i the essay score it does make it easier to read and who knows the scorer may find the need to give you a higher score for making it easier to read or they may be ina better mood becaus eit is easier to read. See ACT essays are easy and everyone can get a 6 with someractice and a cool head. I my slef am ggoing to take the act in a few months and I am pretty confident about the essay portion of the ACT b ecause I have een practicing in class and I think overall it will be pretty easy to take the essay and stfuff like that so in not to worried about it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Owl Creek

An occurrence at Owl Creek is a VERY short story written by Ambrose Bierce. An Occurrence at Owl Creek is about a man who at first seems like he is trying to kill himself. Upon reading further into the story it becomes clear that this man is not trying to kill him slef but rather is being executed. In the story the man speak of invaders so perhaps he is a captured soldier or an enemy supporter. Either way the man gets executed. Ambrose wrote this story with a very clear realism element in it. For example, in the story the soldiers moves are described exactly, to create a sense of realism. "The preparations being complete, the two private soldiers stepped aside and each drew away the plank upon which he had been standing. The sergeant turned to the captain, saluted and placed himself immediately behind that officer, who in turn moved apart one pace." (Bierce) Realism usually strives to focs on what is happening, how it is happening and in what manner it is happening. Clearly the aforementioned quote focuses with acute details on the soldiers precise movements. Another example of the realism in this story is how the author does not attempt to pass over or sugarcoat the fact the main was going to die a horrible death. She did not attempt to glorify the man's death or make it seem courageous she simply showed that the man was going to die. Many stories of different periods especially say romanticism would have either skipped the gruesome honesty Ambrose exhibits or would have made the man proud to be dying for such a good cause that he believed in. Realism on the other hand is honest, brutally honest in this passage it is clear the author made no attempt at all to cover or sugarcoat the man's impending demise "As these thoughts, which have here to be set down in words, were flashed into the doomed man's brain rather than evolved from it the captain nodded to the sergeant. The sergeant stepped aside." (Bierce) The passage makes it clear to the reader what is going to happen. Then even though the reader knows it is coming as the sergeant steps aside it is a shock to realize the man has died. Another good example of the realism in the story is when the man talks about trying to free himself. This is the exact sort of thing someone in his postion would probably be thinking about at such a time. Not how it was worth it or how he did not regret his choices but how the heck he was going tog et out of there. "He unclosed his eyes and saw again the water below him. "If I could free my hands," he thought, "I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream. By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home. My home, thank God, is as yet outside their lines; my wife and little ones are still beyond the invader's farthest advance." (Bierce) Finally as the man realizes he has no hope he takes solace in imagining his family. Something that is the most dear and important thing to him in the world.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day dream

I day dream alot. Mostly when I am in school but sometimes I like to just day dream. Usually when I day dream I think about doing something really cool or amazing. When I was younger I would imagine that a bad guy was going to jump through the window and hold my class hostage but I was going to hide then we he wasn't read for it I was going to hit him over the hed or someting and I would save the day, then my parents would like me. Just kidding about the parents thing, sorta... One of my day that I have a lot now is where i win some big sporting even with a sweet last second play. Cause thatd be really cool and fun to do. I dont know if it has ever helped me out of a bad spot I mean its not like any of m classes has been held hostage as of late or anthing cool like that. I guess day dreaming can be helpful for like sports as it is sort of like a mental rep or something like that. Mental reps can be really good for peopele who are trying to get better at sports and work on things they aren't very good at s they practice as much as they can which isn't always at practice and stuff, i like to day dream it is a good stress reliever and suff like that

School Uniform

School uniforms are a terrible idea and we should not have them.Sometimes schools like to say they are getting school uniforms because people get made fun of or they can not hide weapons in uniforms as easily as they can street clothes but the truth it the only reason we ever have uniforms is that adults think that the clothes kids wear in school are inappropriate. They seem to think that because it isn't the type of clothes they think are good for kids so they will force kids to war the proper type of clothes. Uniforms never work like they should they may change the way people look in school but they definitely do not change the way people act or the stuff people do in school. It also has a very small effect outside of school and people aren't going to magically change because they have to wear ugly clothes to school. Uniforms also make it harder to figure people out. Even though people Say don't judge a book it's cover you really have to because they choose to present themselves tot he world that way and that is their problem if people judge them on it. You could think someone is a good person when in reality they only look that way because of their uniform that everyone has to wear. the other reason teachers claim they have uniforms is because of weapons. It would be just as easy to hide a weapon in blue pants as it would be Green or yellow pants,t hey really would just find a new place to put the weapon.

Monday, January 10, 2011

how to persuade people to buy ellton john

elton john is a famous musician, he wrote a bunch of songs people used to like in like the 1830's songs like Rocketman and tiny dancer. These songs defined the galaxy for almost 1400 years, so clearly songs with such profund influence (rocketman spawned the space race) are worth listening too. Over 9000 people have already bought and listened to elton johns songs. He is even british, and everyone knows that british peopel are worth listening to jsut because they are british, they have really cool acceents and listening to their voice is as soothing as listening to the rain before you go to bed. Anither pretty cool interesting fact is that elton john is actually sir elton john who is a knight. Yes that is what you heard elton john is a birtish speaking singing knight from britain. so clearly for those reasons alone he is worth lisrening to and you definately should listen to this birtish master of language at high pitches. so clearly you should buy mr sir elton johns album because he is a very interesting person and he once killed a dragon. Another time he saved the world from immennnet doom by destroying Dr. Manhattan. I need a few more things t o write and i t h i nk i a m d o n e f o r

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Persistence is a good thing and a bad thing. For somethings persistence is a great thing to have, for stuff like being a salesman you have to be persistent and you need to not get worn down by all the rjections. thats why there is not a lot of people who are successful sales men because there is so much rejection and so much persistence is required. But for some things persistance is not good and can be a bad thing. Like a journalist trying to discover a hidden murder made by a rich billionaire who gets angry at the journalist for digging so much so the billionaire kills the nosy journalist and then all the other journalists who are they dead journalist's friends start to snoop around and the billionair tries to have them killed again but these journalists are smart and street savvy so they manae to live and expose the billionaire for what he really is, a big murderer who has a lot of money. Then the tv show ends. Anyway I am not a really persistent person but I am also not a push over I am probably in the middle somewhere and I like to think that I am good at doing that right things as far as being persistent is concerned. I try not to push some people to hard and stuff. I really do not know what else that has to do with persistent I guess the difinition of persistence is to keep doing the same thing over and over again. which is sort of like insanity whihc is doing the same thing and expecting different results. so many being persisten also means the same thing as being insane so does that mean persistent people are insane right? Or clsoe enough. Ill have to remember that sometime